Nov 29, 2008

Real Virtual Games Participatory Dance in Second Life

One of the first experiments with virtual dancing in Second Life. Part of Real Virtual Games Project, following up from the LxFactory Performances (Temps D'Images Festival, 2008 Lisboa)

An invitation call was send for participation in this performance.  Upon appearance at the space movements were shared with them to be performed, along with their own moves and movement in space.
These movements were originated in motion capture sessions (MovLab/Lusofona University) and focused on a dance approach based on principles and practices of Body-Mind Centering, somatics, ideokinesis, and contact improvisation, and others.
During the process of uploading the animation files to Second Life there were errors provoking emergent behaviors that I found very interesting. As if, although different and some times impossible to perform by an humsan being, they retained the aimed kinesthetic attitude and enabled interactions between the avatars related to those occurring in a contact improvisation jam.
These artistic research of dance in SL continued Real Virtual Games project questioning and challenging the typical dance forms, styles and formats found in this world, which although very varied are limited and mostly with a metric dynamic to accompany or be accompanied with music.
The fact that few avatars showed up and at different times enabled a more intimate interaction.

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